Cell Swelling Assay: My first experiment
I admit that I haven't blogged a whole lot about my summer experience at the Patel lab, but that doesn't mean I didn't learn enough. In...
1/3/17: A Brief Summery of My Day
I went to my internship over winter break and ran the cell swelling assay (check out my previous post) and I will continue to go to my...
A List of Solutions For The Cell Swelling Assay
After my run last Friday (12/21/17), I decided to learn more about the solutions I will be working with. H2O2: In a previous experiment,...

The Science of Caves and Mistakes
Heart racing, hands sweating, glasses sliding off, I looked down at my two twenty four well plates, the conical tubes up ahead, tiny...
One Week at my Internship
During the second week of spring break, I've decided to meet the people at the lab that I will intern at over the summer. This whole...