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Website Projects

While studying Emerson's Nature in class, I related to the chapter beauty the most. Therefore, when Mike, our humanities teacher, asked us to come up with a project that connected to Emerson, I chose to decorate the mirrors in the girls bathroom with Emersonian quotes and symbolic, laser cut images. Emerson talks about how, beauty, in its purest form, exists only in Nature. That being said, Emerson goes on to explain how nature beautifies humans when they commit a natural action (something that satisfies the soul such as Love, Justice, Truth or Freedom), an action of Reason. Emerson believes "Truth and goodness, and beauty, are but different faces of the same All."  


In this project, I hope to inspire girls to formulate their own opinion about what beauty means to them. My partner and I brainstormed designs that visually represented some of Emerson's thought provoking quotes. Then we laser cut them out and then installed them in the girl's bathroom. By designing the very mirrors, High Tech High girls spend time in front of, I hope to convince them to think about real, inner beauty, that is everlasting. 


Somos estudiantes de High Tech High. We are a diverse group of ninth and tenth-grade Spanish students that wanted to educate others about different cultures. We decided that best way to do that was to start with the young kids.We made an interactive info session where students participated in making traditional Dia de los Muertos articles. 


My end of the bargain was to make a website and the salsa portion. Click below to read more about what my class did and to take a look at my website.



The mission of this club is to dismantle the distrust of scientific investigation and serve as a platform for students to showcase current research at HTH and beyond. Although we faced many challenges, the club preservered and we have recently published our first edition recently. As, you can probably tell by now, this club also provided me a reason to make another website. So I made one. This website is also phone friendly. 




Light is all we know.  Pressing images into retinas and demanding innovation to explore the stars, we are surrounded and structured by brilliant, defining light. For a semester we, 9th and 10th grade students at High Tech High, have been exploring the role of light from a scientific and a historical perspective. Through trial and error and many tears, each one of us has finally found and perfected our photography style. If you would like to contribute to this project or simply support us by buying one of our photos please fill out this quick form. We hope that you enjoy our photography, a unique combination of skill, technique, science, and art.





Photography Projects


Hoover Dam




Prasanna Padmanabham

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