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Week 3 Semester Azul

- A list of questions about waves from the videos we watched Thursday morning. What are you wondering?

I don't think I was there

- Give an update on your individual project. What progress are you making? What are your next steps? What is your plan for the coming weeks? What are you worried about? How might you make the work shareable through the film we are making as a class?

I finished a procedure and wrote down a list of question I have. I'm really excited because I found a protocol that actually might be possible. I talked to Jesse, Molly, Kalle and Andrew about my ideas. Link here:

-Your painting with light photo. What worked about your process? What was challenging? What do you still wonder about replicating the process underwater?

How do you deal with water movement/waves?

How do you create an image with greater focus?

Next time, it will be cool to write a word with light by holding the led in front of the camera instead of behind it.

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