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Week 2 Blog

A digital copy of your first and second draft images you made early this week. What did you learn about digital design? What tools did you learn? How are your design skills evolving? (you can submit these in jpg form)

I wanted to learn how to do a watercolor/paint style picture. It didn't quite end up how I wanted it to, but I learned to use a different layer for each color the hard way.

For the second draft, we had to use juxtaposition to show an ocean related problem

Images of the math/physics you worked on this week (see attached). What did you learn? What strengths do you have in math and science? Where do you need to improve?

Read the attached article on climate change. Watch the Crash Course Biology on Water that is attached. Answer the following:

What is polarity and why is it significant?

A molecule is considered polar when a covalently bonded molecule has two atoms with really different electronegativity. For example, hydrogen is less electronegative than oxygen, so electrons are more likely to be found near oxygen. This makes the water molecule half "positive" and half negative. This property gives water many unique properties such as the ability to form hydrogen bonds. These hydrogen bonds cause attraction between two water molecules and therefore takes more energy (heat) to break those bonds and turn water into water vapor.

What is heat capacity and why is it significant?

The specific heat capacity is the amount of heat or energy needed to transform a molecule form liquid to gas. The high heat capacity of water allows it to store vast amounts of energy or heat before the temperature changes or turns into water vapor.

How is increasing amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere impactful to the ocean system? How does CO2 impact oceans? What are the mechanisms involved in the interaction?

CO2 dissolves into the ocean and turns into carbonic acid which is corrosive and causes weaker shells. These shells are essential because sea life has evolved to bear them

Give an update on your individual project. What progress are you making? What are your next steps? What is your plan for the coming weeks? What are you worried about?

I am still reading papers and trying to come up with an easy procedure. I talked to Jesse about my experiment and she told me to blend it up, and add a little bit to some whatmann/filter paper and put it on a bacteria plate. I'm really excited! I got a sample of sea grass.

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