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Semester Azul Blog Post 1

An image of your San Diego Map poster. Include a brief written note on what makes you proud about the poster and what you learned.

I never understood the broken of part of San Diego (like Mission Bay and Point loma), but it makes a lot of sense now (I live inland and never go out to the beach soo).

An image of your Semester Azul Math Intro on Functional Modeling. Choose one of the functions and write about how that function is applied in helping people understand the world around us better. The more applications, the better. What questions do you have about the function you've chosen?


Choose an image you took over the past two days either at sunset cliffs or in the afternoon session on Tuesday. Process the image to the best of your ability in Photoshop, Lightroom, or whatever processing tool you use. Include a brief note on your process of capturing. What were you working on when you took the photo? What techniques were you using?

I really really really like Nikons and it was my first time with a Canon, so I was just getting used to the camera. I was absent the day I went to Wednesday. I also have trouble taking pictures of people so I was also trying to think about lighting (rembrandt, butterfly, loop, split etc.). I learned that perhaps portrait photography was more about making people laugh and capturing it than framing.

Goalsetting. Submit your plan for the coming semester. Include several parts. And don't worry. Ideas you have now can change. They probably will. But we need to start somewhere. What is it you plan to do, make, create, etc this semester. Are there professional models of the type of work you want to do? What are they? Share them.

I talked to Jesse about my idea of looking at marine life for possible drugs. The current plan is to sample organisms (spones, algea etc.), blend them, filter them and then see if bacteria can still grow around them. I'm trying to read papers to see how others are doing it but Sci-hubb is blocked at HTH...

Look through the Semester Azul Assessment Document. This is not an exhaustive list at all. It is only meant to offer some ideas for the types of ways you could be thinking about improving as a person, a student, and a thinker. What are your personal goals for growth this semester? What are you already strong at? What do you want to improve at? Again, this may change, but thinking about it now will help as a starting point.

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