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Amigos En Las Americas?

I'll say it, today was a big day. It was the day when our teachers announced the semester project. At High Tech High, two teachers (my humanities and Spanish teacher) come up with a big project that, in the process will teach us many new skills that we would use in the real world. According to the speech (I mean proposal) today, we will spend the semester talking with students from the other side of the equator (Central and South America). After those (hopefully not awkward) chats, we are going to make a book. Not just a flimsy paper back ten dollar but, but and expensive, professional, hard cover thirty dollar, glossy paper book. The sort of book that might be showcased in the front desk that screams "come to our school, we do cool stuff!"

The concept sounded original. I've learned Spanish by making flashcards and doing grammar exercises, but never spoke it loud. It is nerve-breaking imagining myself speaking to a random person thousands of miles away in a language I don't know. Well, there is a first time to first time to everything.

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