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Powered By Photons

The future is near, and I’m not just talking about the new iPhone, there is a new invention that is sparking controversy all around the world, and it may unlock the gate to the future. The Electromagnetic Drive, or EM Drive for short, is a new type of drive theorized in 1999 by Roger Shawyer that not only sounds like something taken from Star Wars (Disney don’t sue us), but is also so controversial and impossible, that for it to work, it would have to break one of Newton’s fundamental laws. Basically, the EM Drive makes thrust without fuel, but from the impact of the photons hitting against the inside of the drive, this means that it's making action without any sort of reaction. This completely goes against Newton’s third law of motion, the law that has been taught to millions of kids in schools, the law that some people’s jobs are based on, the law that we were all taught to just go with it and not question because it was 100% correct; disprove.

Before 2016, this idea seemed like something a madman would pursue, but it has been leaked that NASA had been tinkering with this idea, the EM Drive started getting attention from the scientific community. Some months after the NASA leak, they released a paper and confirmed that the EM Drive, or how the scientists community dubbed it the “Impossible Drive”, did indeed work. After extensive tests in different environments and different scenarios, NASA concluded that they measured thrust coming from the EM Drive, even if they described the thrust as “equivalent to a mosquito’s fart”. After this, China also decided to hop on the impossible train and said that they would launch a EM Drive prototype into space, to see if it works. If the EM Drive were to work in space, it would be definitive proof that the EM Drive wasn't just science fiction, but non-fiction all along. This means a whole new world of space exploration. We could get to the moon in a day and Mars in a week! It could also be used for energy resource, and there’s even some theories that it could be used to warp through space and time.

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